Graceful Garden Basket Ftd. Compare to retail price. O Good basket is approximately 14H x 17W o.
Our Graceful Garden Basket is handcrafted with stock spray roses and carnations with each bloom accented by a charming basket. Our Graceful Garden Basket is handcrafted with stock spray roses and carnations with each bloom accented by a charming basket. The FTD Graceful Garden Basket S5255 Elegant white flowers effortlessly capture your messages of support and love during the passing of a loved one.
O Good basket is approximately 14H x 17W o.
14H x 17W Deluxe Approx. Our Graceful Garden Basket is handcrafted with stock spray roses and carnations with each bloom accented by a charming basket. With over 300 products available our customers love us. The FTD Graceful Garden Basket.