Diatomaceous Earth For Cancer Patients. Someone stated that one of their friends had stage 4 colon cancer, and he told the individual to try the diatomaceous earth, incredibly he said 3 weeks later the individual went to the va hospital, for them to inform him/her that they had no cancer in their body. Here are the stone cold facts:
Hazardous chemicals are in household cleaning supplies and thousands of personal care products (including antiperspirant and mouthwash) with no label warnings whatsoever. Silica helps support the healing process. In our modern world we live amongst a sea of toxins in our air, water, food supply, and even in our homes.
Diatomaceous earth and apricot kernels.
The international programme on chemical safety reports no toxic effects from ingestion. It contains freshwater diatomaceous earth which will aid the detoxification process and fight cancer. The diatomaceous earth used for gardening and pool filters is not safe to eat. Vaccinations often contain mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and other toxic substances.