Avant Garde Percussion. The lineup spans everything from serene string quartets to avant-garde percussion. Dreams written by avant-garde theatre legend Richard Fore-manplus numerous shorts films.
COVID-19 Im quiet for the time being BUT BUSY to rebuild everything. The band consists of Marco Mayer bass vocals synthesizer Hector Mota guitar vocals percussion Rai Accioly guitar vocals and Nichollas Jaques drums percussion who all came from various musical backgrounds including punk rock thrash metal and doom metal. One for amplified trapset and the other a tape piece that alters and combines percussion techniques - and one each by Earl Howard and.
When she is not making music she enjoys backpacking birding home brewing dancing Argen-tine tango and working with her.
Composed in 1931 Edgard Varèses Ionisation is the first piece of Western classical music to be scored for an ensemble comprised solely of percussion instruments. An improvisational avant-garde classicalblues string quartet the Formerly Known a classical new music ensemble and the Young Peoples Symphony Or-chestra. The Short List for the 2010 Atlantis Music Prize has just been announced and it reminded me that the 2009 winner was a percussionist. She sings in the Princ-eton University Georgian Choir.