Adam Eve And The Garden Of Eden Summary. However both were punished. The coast line of this land mass was considerably elevated.
God put Adam and Eve in charge of tending and keeping the garden with these instructions. But before we get to the analysis lets briefly summarise the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In Christianity this story is usually told as a morality tale.
This presentation provides insight into viewing these narratives as visions and dramas as given to Moses and Abraham.
1615 is a painting by Peter Paul Rubens figures and Jan Brueghel the Elder flora and fauna. Adam and Eve Sinned Bible Story Summary This story summary is about The Fall or the circumstances surrounding the sin of Adam and Eve found in Genesis 3. When they ate the fruit they gained knowledge and wisdom became aware of evilness and realized they were naked. The Bible explains that the gardens location is near to where the rivers Euphrates and Tigris join together.